The boundary line between india and bangladesh is known as the india-bangladesh border. It stretches over 4,096 km, making it one of the longest land borders in the world.
The border was established in 1947 when india was granted independence from british rule and was formed by dividing british india into two separate nations, india and pakistan. In 1971, east pakistan declared independence from pakistan, resulting in the formation of bangladesh, and the border was redrawn accordingly. The india-bangladesh border is divided into three sectors: the eastern, western, and northern sectors. The eastern sector is the longest, stretching over 2,216 km and running along the indian states of west bengal, assam, meghalaya, tripura, and mizoram. The border is marked by pillars and wires and is heavily guarded by security forces from both nations to prevent illegal immigration, smuggling, and terrorist activities.

The boundary line between india and bangladesh is unique, spanning over 4,000 kilometers in length. It was created after the partition of bengal in 1947, and kept changing over the years. The line is significant as it separates two different cultures, religions and languages.
It serves as a political and economic border, and is heavily guarded by both countries’ border security forces. The border disputes have led to numerous casualties and protests in the past. Both countries have taken steps to improve their relations and ensure peace at the border.
The india-bangladesh boundary line holds great importance for both countries and its history and significance are worth learning about.
Name Of The Boundary Line
The boundary line between india and bangladesh is known as the radcliffe line. It was named after sir cyril radcliffe, a british lawyer who drew the line in 1947. The radcliffe line is significant because it separated india and pakistan during the partition.
The line runs for 4,156 km from the bay of bengal to the trijunction with myanmar. The name is unique, as other boundary lines between india and its neighbors have different names. The radcliffe line has been a subject of dispute between india and bangladesh.
The two countries are currently working to resolve their border conflicts. Despite its controversies, the radcliffe line remains an important symbol of the partition of india and the creation of bangladesh.
Geographical Location And Extent
The boundary line between india and bangladesh is situated in the eastern part of india. It covers a total area of 4,156 km. The boundary line was initially demarcated in 1947, but disputes regarding the border continued. In 1974, a tripartite agreement was signed between india, bangladesh and pakistan, which defined the boundary line.
Later, in 2015, another deal was signed to clarify land boundary agreements and ensure a peaceful coexistence between the two nations. The line marks the separation between the two countries, but also influences cultural and economic ties. The boundary line has significance to the people of both india and bangladesh.
Historical Perspective
The boundary line between india and bangladesh, also known as the radcliffe line, has a long and complicated history. The line was initially created during the partition of india in 1947, and later revised during the creation of bangladesh in 1971.
Before partition, the region was under british rule. The line has been a contentious issue for india, pakistan, and bangladesh, as it has caused numerous disputes and conflicts over the years. The relationship between india, pakistan, and bangladesh has also had a significant impact on the boundary line, as political tensions and conflict have led to changes in the line’s path.
Despite the challenges, the boundary line remains an important marker of the border between india and bangladesh.
Contemporary Scenario
The boundary line between india and bangladesh is a hot topic in contemporary times. The present scenario shows that both nations are trying to resolve any land disputes amicably. One of the solutions is the demarcation of the boundary line, which has been ongoing.
The impact of this boundary line is significant, both positive and negative, on the lives of people living in the border areas. It has resulted in trade and transportation between these two neighboring countries, but also caused some tensions due to illegal activities such as smuggling.
Overall, the boundary line is crucial in maintaining peace and security between india and bangladesh while promoting mutual cooperation and friendship.
Understanding the boundary line between india and bangladesh is vital for both nations. This line, which is 4,097 kilometers long, has significant importance in terms of political and economic relations between the two countries. India and bangladesh must work together to ensure that the boundary line is respected.
In the future, the boundary line will continue to play a critical role in the lives of people living on both sides. The impact of the boundary line on the people of india and bangladesh must be evaluated and weighed carefully.
As the two nations move forward, it is imperative that they negotiate a resolution that will benefit both.
Frequently Asked Questions On Name Of The Boundary Line Between India And Bangladesh
What Is The Name Of The Boundary Line Between India And Bangladesh?
The boundary line between india and bangladesh is known as the india-bangladesh international border (ibb).
What Is The Length Of The India-Bangladesh International Border?
The india-bangladesh international border is approximately 4,096 km long.
When Was The Boundary Line Between India And Bangladesh Established?
The boundary line between india and bangladesh was established on 26th april, 1971, by the land boundary agreement (lba) between the two countries.
Are There Any Disputes Over The India-Bangladesh International Border?
Thanks to the land boundary agreement (lba) signed in 1974, most of the land boundary disputes between india and bangladesh have been resolved. However, some issues like the exchange of enclaves and adverse possessions still need further settlement.
As we conclude, it’s clear that the boundary line between india and bangladesh is not just a mere demarcation of two countries but a source of complex issues that need constant attention and resolution. The line stands out as one of the most contested borders globally, with both countries having a history of disputes over the territory.
After a long wait, the border between india and bangladesh was demarcated in 2015, finally putting a stop to the long-standing dispute between the two countries. In modern times, the boundary line serves as a reminder of the political and social issues that plague the region.
The ongoing challenges of border fencing, territory disputes, and management of cross-border rivers are critical issues that need to be continuously addressed. Therefore, it’s imperative that both countries maintain a healthy dialogue and diplomatic relations to ensure that the boundary line is peaceful, stable and productive for both sides.