Bangladesh Supreme Court job Circular 2019

Bangladesh Supreme Court Division Announce a New circular for Jobless Educated People. Asking Some Energic and Skilled Student for the Following post. The jobs title is Supreme court job circular 2019. If you are interested in the High court job, The Read job circular in 2019.

An unemployees student also more Government job circular as judge court job in besides, you will get NGO jobs, Company jobs, and Bank Jobs etc.

BD Supreme Court job Circular 2019

Last Month Bangladesh supreme court Also Announce a Vacancy with chief judicial magistrate job circular related headline. Many jobless young joins in the Govt sector. Because This Law Division Authority gives So Good Salary. here you will be the opportunity for a growing career. Also others Job Facility, pension, Health fee etc.

So you should download supreme court job application form fast & Apply now to dhaka judge court job notice. Now you may ask me “how to apply on the Supreme Court job? for more Information just check the original jobs notice below

Sector Name: Supreme Court of Bangladesh (BSC).
Post Name: Office Assistant Cum Typist
Job Published date:  04 March 2019
Job Type: Government Job.
Total Post: 26.
Nature: Full-time Job.
Age: 18 to 30 Years
Applications Starts: On March 2019

Educational Qualification: HSC passed
Application Fee – 50 Taka.
Official Website:
Application Deadline: Application will be continued until 18 March 2019.
Salary: 9 ,300 – 22,490 Taka
Job Location: Dhaka
How to apply: As per a circular
For more information about new govt job circular in 2019 see below this original jpg file circular.

Supreme Court Circular 2019
Bangladesh Supreme Court new job Circular in 2019

Supreme Court job application form & Admit card download

I think you read the new govt jobs circular till dhaka supreme court job notice. if you are eligible for the job position, then download the application form & get admit card. When The Law sector publishes exam date and result. the job portal admin will inform you.

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Bangladesh Supreme Court job exam admit card
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About Rashed zaman

I'm Rasheduzzaman Shamim. I interested in blogging. I also the local newspaper reporter. That's it. Thanks for reading my bd job vacancy Circular, BD Result Provider Post.