LPG Gas Price in Bangladesh

LPG gas is a popular fuel choice for cooking and heating in Bangladesh. It is a clean-burning and efficient fuel that emits only water vapor and carbon dioxide when burned. However, the price of LPG gas has been increasing steadily in recent years, making it more difficult for consumers to afford it.

LPG Gas Price in Bangladesh 2023

In this article, we will look at the top 10 LPG gas price in Bangladesh 2023, based on the latest data from the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC).

What is LPG Gas?

LPG stands for liquefied petroleum gas, which is a mixture of propane and butane. LPG gas is stored in pressurized cylinders and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as cooking, heating, lighting, and powering vehicles. LPG gas is also known as auto gas when used for motor vehicles.

LPG gas has many advantages over other fuels, such as:

  • It is cleaner than gasoline and diesel, producing less emissions and pollutants.
  • It is more efficient than gasoline and diesel, requiring less fuel to produce the same amount of energy.
  • It is cheaper than gasoline and diesel, especially when subsidized by the government.
  • It is safer than gasoline and diesel, as it does not spill or leak easily.
  • It is easy to use and control, as it can be turned on and off with a simple valve.

What are the Factors Affecting LPG Gas Price in Bangladesh?

The price of LPG gas in Bangladesh depends on several factors, such as:

  • The international market price of LPG, which is influenced by the supply and demand of crude oil and natural gas.
  • The exchange rate of the Bangladeshi taka against the US dollar, which affects the import cost of LPG.
  • The government subsidy and tax policy on LPG, which determines how much consumers pay for LPG.
  • The transportation and distribution cost of LPG, which varies depending on the distance and infrastructure.
  • The competition and profit margin of LPG operators, which affects how much they charge for LPG.

How Much is the Current LPG Gas Price in Bangladesh?

According to the BERC, the current LPG gas price in Bangladesh for February 2023 is Tk124.85 per kg. which is an increase of Tk22.15 per kg from the previous month. This means that a 12kg cylinder of LPG gas costs Tk156. which is an increase of Tk329 from the previous month.

The BERC said that the reason for the price hike was the huge increase in the international market price of LPG, which was set at $790 per metric ton for February 2023 by Saudi Arabia, up from $599.59 per metric ton for January 2023. Saudi Arabia is one of the main sources of LPG imports for Bangladesh.

The BERC also said that the price of auto gas (LPG used for motor vehicles) increased to Tk69.71 per litre, up from Tk57.41 per litre.

The BERC reviews and adjusts the LPG gas price every month based on a formula that considers various factors such as international market price, exchange rate, subsidy, tax, transportation cost, and profit margin.

What are the Top 10 LPG Gas Price in Bangladesh 2023?

Based on the current data from BERC. here are the top 10 cylinder LPG gas price in Bangladesh 2023 for different cylinder sizes:

Cylinder SizePrice (Tk)
5.5 kg687
6 kg749
12 kg1561
15 kg1876
18 kg2246
22 kg2747
25 kg3122
30 kg3746
35 kg4370
45 kg5622

How to Save Money on LPG Gas in Bangladesh?

LPG gas is a necessity for many households and businesses in Bangladesh. However, with the rising prices of LPG gas, it can be a burden on the budget. Here are some tips on how to save money on LPG gas in Bangladesh:

  • Compare the prices of different LPG operators and choose the one that offers the best value for money.
  • Use LPG gas efficiently and avoid wastage. For example, use a pressure cooker, turn off the flame when not in use, and check for leaks regularly.
  • Use alternative sources of energy when possible. For example, use solar power, biogas, or electricity for cooking and heating.
  • Apply for government subsidy or discount schemes if you are eligible. For example, the government offers a 20% subsidy on LPG gas for low-income households and a 10% discount on auto gas for public transport vehicles.


LPG gas is a popular and convenient fuel choice for cooking and heating in Bangladesh. However, the price of LPG gas has been increasing steadily in recent years, making it more expensive for consumers. The price of LPG gas depends on various factors such as international market price, exchange rate, subsidy, tax, transportation cost, and profit margin. The BERC reviews and adjusts the LPG gas price every month based on a formula that considers these factors. The current LPG gas price in Bangladesh for February 2023 is Tk124.85 per kg, which is an increase of Tk22.15 per kg from the previous month. The top 10 LPG gas price in Bangladesh 2023 for different cylinder sizes range from Tk687 to Tk5622. To save money on LPG gas, consumers can compare the prices of different LPG operators, use LPG gas efficiently and avoid wastage, use alternative sources of energy when possible, and apply for government subsidy or discount schemes if eligible.

About Rashed zaman

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